Student Care & Integrity

The Office of Student Care and Integrity offers free, confidential support, providing students with referrals and resources to succeed in college and beyond.
Our office can help students with the following areas:
- Mental Health
- Academic Challenges
- Crisis Situations
- Financial Support
- Food, Housing, Transportation Challenges
- Legal Resources
- Relationships
- Personal Growth
- Safety and Behavioral Concerns
Canvas – Student Care and Integrity Resources. *Must be logged in to Carroll account to access.
Student Assistance Program (SAP)
Student Assistance Program

The Student Assistance Program, TimelyCare, offers virtual health and wellbeing services for current Carroll Credit students. Students can access six free counseling sessions through TalkNow. In addition this resource can help students on a self-care journey, and provides a peer-to-peer community.
Resource Database

The Resource Database provides students with ways to connect to resources within the college and the community for a variety of concerns. Browse through to find numerous organizations, institutions and establishments that offer services that meet your needs.
Wellbeing Committee

The Wellbeing Committee promotes student-centered resources to provide empowerment and advocacy for community health. The committee, which includes staff, faculty and, as part of the restructuring, students, addresses important health-related issues.
Report a Student Concern
- For non-emergency student concern referrals, please report a concern through Starfish (in the case of an emergency, please call 911 and campus safety at 410-386-8123. Starfish is the primary channel to complete a Student Concern Report by selecting ‘Report a Student Concern’).
- Alternatively, you can submit a, Student Concern & Incident Report Form, which is another channel to complete a Student Concern Report if you do not have access to Starfish. Another option is the ‘Report Student Concern’ icon, which can be accessed from any college computer desktop.
- This is a proactive approach to provide cross-campus support/response to students who are experiencing personal challenges that may hinder their academic success or well-being.
Student Concern & Incident Report Form
Dr. DaVida Anderson, Director of Student Care and Integrity | 410-386-8217