Wellbeing Committee

The Wellbeing committee promotes student-centered resources to provide empowerment and advocacy for community health. The committee, which includes staff, faculty and students, addresses important health-related issues.
Faculty and staff serve two-year terms, a limit that does not apply to students. Each member serves on a subcommittee: Wellness, Drugs, Alcohol, Opioids and Interpersonal Violence Prevention, all areas for which the Wellbeing Committee raises awareness and offers student health and wellness resources.
The D.A.O. (Drugs, Alcohol and Opioid) Committee is focused on substance awareness and prevention.
Interested in Joining?
Contact one of the two Co-Chairs of the D.A.O. Committee.
Joe Tatela – jtatela@carrollcc.edu
Jennifer Gertz – jgertz@carrollcc.edu
The I.V.P. (Interpersonal Violence Prevention) Committee is focused on educating students on healthy relationships, sexual assault awareness and prevention.
Interested in Joining?
Contact one of the two Co-Chairs of the I.V.P. Committee.
Nicole Bollinger – nbollinger@carrollcc.edu
Kiersten Meyers – kmeyers@carrollcc.edu
The Wellness Committee is focused on educating and promoting mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and social wellness.
Interested in Joining?
Contact one of the two Co-Chairs of the Wellness Committee.
Joe Tatela – jtatela@carrollcc.edu
Lori Henry – lhenry2@carrollcc.edu