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Campus Alert


At a Glance

While the fundamentals of effective leadership remain the same, the leadership landscape has changed dramatically. Mid- and senior-level leaders must navigate team performance in a hybrid world, foster employee engagement across generations, ensure the future viability of the organization and more. This online program is coupled with 1:1, real-time leadership coaching and helps leaders build critical skills to elevate both their roles and organizations.

Approx. Number of Hours:

15 hours/4 – 6 months

Program Cost:**


Est. Hourly Wage:*

Income varies by company and position. Often higher than the employees you manage.

Min. Occupational Requirements:

18 years old or older; valid driver’s license; able to read, speak, write and understand English

Management Job Overview

Mid- to senior-level managers have rapidly taken on a larger role in developing others, translating strategy into tactics, leading up, resolving conflict and creating a positive team culture. Individuals considered middle management often holds the title of general manager, plant manager, regional manager, divisional manager, or department or functional manager and typically are responsible for a department, location or geographic region. They’re the conduit between implementing the big picture strategy defined by those at the top and getting things done in the day-to-day operation of the business. Most managers operate under normal business hours, but some may work weekends and evening hours depending on the organization for which they work

Licensure/certification earned


Financial Assistance

Funding is available to help pay for short-term job training. Up to 90% of costs may be covered to complete this training program.


All courses included in this certificate program are offered in an online, self-paced format.  

  • Communication: Connect through Conversation
  • Conversations with Courage and Candor (MC*)
  • Coaching: Move People Forward
  • Creating a Coaching Culture on Your Team (MC*)
  • Mastering Executive Interactions
  • Six Steps to Strategic Leadership
  • Making High-Quality Decisions
  • What’s on your Radar (MC*)
  • Driving Change
  • Maximizing the Power Skills
  • Boost Your Resilience (MC*)
  • Building an Inclusive Culture (MC*)
  • Developing Yourself and Others
  • Engaging and Retaining Talent
  • Resolving Workplace Conflict
  • Engaging Quiet Quitters (MC*)
  • Overcoming Your Workplace Burnout (MC*)

*These micro courses offer a short burst of learning to supplement primary course content.

Additional Information & Program Requirements

Personalized coaching will be provided remotely during select points during the program period. Details will be reviewed with participant upon program registration. 

Interested in enrolling?

Contact our Workforce, Business & Community Education Office (Room A115) if you have any questions or concerns.

410-386-8100 |

*Wages are based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and are estimates only. 

**Unless noted, cost does not include any required textbooks and related materials, applicable licensing fees, background check fees, testing fees or prerequisite courses.