Electrical Apprenticeship Certificate

At a Glance
In our Electrical Apprenticeship workforce training program, you will learn residential, commercial and industrial electrical applications. Continue to work fulltime while attending classes and achieve journeyman status in just 4 years.
Approx. Number of Hours:
600 classroom; 8,000 on-the-job training
Program Cost:**
Varies based on agreement with your employer
Est. Hourly Wage:*
$25-29 per hour
Min. Occupational Requirements:
18 years old or older; must be employed and sponsored by a licensed electrical contractor
Electrical Apprentice Job Overview
An Electrical Apprentice is a tradesman specializing in electrical wiring and fittings. Work undertaken may involve the construction of new buildings or maintenance of existing electrical infrastructure.
This trade is regulated for safety reasons by the State of Maryland and Maryland counties. Working hours are primarily daytime.
Licensure/certification earned
Journeyman certification from the Maryland Department of Labor.
Not all courses are offered within every term schedule.
Additional Information & Program Requirements
This training is presented in partnership with the Electrical Apprenticeship Program of Carroll County and Carroll Community College. The Electrical Apprenticeship Program of Carroll County has been conducting this training for more than 16 years in Carroll County and is approved by the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR).
You must be accepted into the apprentice program before registering for classes. For more information about the program, contact Linda Daigle-Jones at 410-876-0484 or ldaiglejones@gmail.com.
Apprenticeship to Degree: A New Path for Workers in the Trades
Read More about Apprenticeship to Degree: A New Path for Workers in the TradesInterested in enrolling?
410-386-8100 | wbce@carrollcc.edu
*Wages are based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and are estimates only.
**Unless noted, cost does not include any required textbooks and related materials, applicable licensing fees, background check fees, testing fees or prerequisite courses.