Summer Camps

Get ready for days filled with fun and learning! Our full and half-day summer camps, taught by professional instructors, offer active learning opportunities in creativity, performance, science, technology, and much more.
Registration is open for Summer 2025!
2025 Summer
Camps Catalog

2025 Summer
Camps Catalog
Click on course names in the brochure to register.
Download Brochure (PDF)
Grub Club Lunch Menu
Let the College’s Café provide a delicious and healthy lunch for your camper all week long. Meals include a main feature, two sides and cold water, all kid-approved!
Registration must be completed the Tuesday prior to your camp week. Space is limited. You must order lunch for the whole week. Single-day lunches are not available. There are no refunds if lunch is ordered and a child misses camp that day for any reason. Menus are subject to change without notice.
JUNE 23-27
- Monday – chicken tenders, fruit, and chips
- Tuesday – mozzarella sticks, cookie, and granola bar
- Wednesday – ham & cheese, fruit, and cookie
- Thursday – pizza, chips, and granola bar
- Friday – hot dog, chips, and cookie
June 30 – July 3 (No camp July 4)
- Monday – chicken tenders, cookie, and granola bar
- Tuesday – hot dog, fruit, and cookie
- Wednesday – ham & cheese, chips, and granola bar
- Thursday – mozzarella sticks, fruit, and granola bar
JULY 7-11
- Monday – pizza, fruit, and granola bar
- Tuesday – hot dog, fruit, and chips
- Wednesday – turkey & cheese, cookie, and granola bar
- Thursday – chicken tenders, fruit, and cookie
- Friday – mozzarella sticks, chips, and granola bar
JULY 14-18
- Monday – ham & cheese, fruit, and granola bar
- Tuesday – pizza, fruit, and chips
- Wednesday – hot dog, cookie, and granola bar
- Thursday – turkey & cheese, fruit, and cookie
- Friday – chicken tenders, chips, and granola bar
JULY 21-25
- Monday – mozzarella sticks, fruit, and granola bar
- Tuesday – ham & cheese, fruit, and chips
- Wednesday – pizza, cookie, and granola bar
- Thursday – hot dog, fruit, and cookie
- Friday – chicken tenders, chips, and granola bar
- Monday – chicken tenders, fruit, and granola bar
- Tuesday – mozzarella sticks, fruit, and chips
- Wednesday – ham & cheese, cookie, and granola bar
- Thursday – pizza, fruit, and cookie
- Friday – hot dog, chips, and granola bar
AUGUST 4 – 8
- Monday – turkey & cheese, fruit, and granola bar
- Tuesday – chicken tenders, fruit, and chips
- Wednesday – mozzarella sticks, cookie, and granola bar
- Thursday – ham & cheese, fruit, and cookie
- Friday – pizza, chips, and granola bar
AUGUST 11 – 15
- Monday – hot dog, fruit, and granola bar
- Tuesday – turkey & cheese, fruit, and chips
- Wednesday – chicken tenders, cookie, and granola bar
- Thursday – mozzarella sticks, fruit, and cookie
- Friday – ham & cheese, chips, and granola bar
Parent Information for Summer Camps
Welcome and thank you for choosing Carroll Community College for your child’s summer enrichment activities! These tabs contain important information about our procedures to help ensure an enjoyable and safe experience for everyone.
Camp Checklist
- Verify that the confirmation statement emailed at registration is correct. Call us right away if you see a discrepancy.
- Sign and return a completed Health and Emergency Form (under Forms) to the College.
- Make sure everyone authorized to pick up your camper is listed. You may also add names later.
- If your camper needs to take medication during camp, send a completed Medication Administration Authorization Form (under Forms) two weeks before the first day of camp. Be sure your healthcare provider has signed it. Medication must be in original containers.
- Review the procedures on these pages, especially Drop-Off and Pick-Up, to make your first day go smoothly.
- Carroll Community College is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our students, employees, and the community we serve while supporting the need to continue on-campus education for our student population.
- Read Weekly Camp Email. On the Wednesday before your camp starts, you will receive an email with specific camp check-in instructions/location.
Health Information
Maryland state regulations require that a current Health and Emergency Contact Form be on file for each participating camper. You need to complete this year’s form even if your child/teen attended camp here in the past.
Access this form online under the tab Camp Forms or call 410-386-8100 to pick up or have a form mailed.
Without this completed form on the first day, your camper will not be able to participate! If the College receives the form prior to the second session, your camper may attend beginning with the second session. If the College does not receive the Health and Emergency Contact Form prior to the second session, your camper will not be eligible to participate, and you will not be eligible for a refund.
A camp nurse is on call during camp hours. Indicate any medical concerns on the Health and Emergency Contact Form. If the nurse has any questions, you will be called the week before your camp. Examples of medical concerns include but are not limited to: medications used during the camp day, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, seizures, or heart defects. Campers who are required to carry an Epi pen must indicate so on the form. If you are unsure about anything related to your camper’s health, contact us!
All campers are asked to bring the following items daily:
- reusable water bottle
- snack (optional, breaks are scheduled in all camps); no snack will be provided
- approved medication (accompanied by the correct authorization form), if needed
Campers staying for a full day may also need:
- lunch (that needs no refrigeration or heating); see our Grub Lunch for a paid lunch option
- snacks (optional one for morning and one for afternoon)
Parents/guardians are encouraged to label all camper personal belongs.
Safety is a top priority! Children aged 12 and under are supervised at all times and may not travel through the campus without a staff escort. In addition, at the end of the camp day they must be signed out by an authorized adult. However, teens age 13 and over are given a little more independence and may, with parent approval, sign themselves out at the end of camp (see Pick-Up Procedures). All other movement through the campus and at lunch is supervised.
Masks are optional and mask wearing will not be enforced by our faculty and staff members. It is the parents’ and campers’ responsibility to supply and ensure proper use of the masks. All who choose to wear a mask will be treated with respect.
In compliance with MDH regulations, a background check is conducted for all staff, volunteers, and instructors (including those who are teaching for our partners). For the children’s safety, the College also prohibits the enrollment of individuals listed on any State Services Sex Offender registry and/or Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services Sex Offender registry. (Off-site contract training for clients may be exempt.)
Other than explained illness such as allergies, if you are feeling ill, stay home until you are fever free without the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours and other symptoms have resolved.
We reserve the right to make changes to our guidelines and programs described at any time based on the most current CDC, State, and local recommendations without notice or liability. Please check periodically for changes.
If an emergency occurs, appropriate medical attention will be administered, and the person designated on the form will be contacted immediately. A nurse will be on call during the program hours and a person authorized to administer selected medications (with all required forms) and first aid is on duty.
Students need to be picked up by a designated individual within a 45-minute window of notification by the Health Room. A Health Room (Isolation Room) is designated for campers and staff displaying COVID-like symptoms. Wearing a mask will be required in this room while campers are waiting to be picked up.
Unexpected College Closings and Severe Weather
Staff will contact each family directly with instructions. Campers will remain supervised until picked up.
It is recommended that you register for the College’s free Emergency Notification System. Messages about any emergency closings will be sent directly to your email or cell phone. To enroll in our Emergency Notification System please text CCCKids to 79516. You will receive a message confirming your enrollment. This service is voluntary, and users may opt-in or opt-out at any time. Depending on your wireless service agreement, a nominal fee may be incurred for receiving text messages. You will not receive messages for which you did not register. This information is not shared with or sold to third parties. For more information, visit here.
In the event of severe weather, the College has an outdoor warning notification system. A siren sounds in the event of a tornado or other severe weather when seeking immediate shelter is recommended. An announcement will also be made over the college’s PA system and on e2Campus.
In such an event, campers and staff seek shelter in a “Severe Weather Area Shelter” and close all doors to stairwells, interior hallways, rooms, and bathrooms. We will shelter in place until given “all clear” by campus police. If parents or campers are in a vehicle, get out and seek shelter in a sturdy building. Do not drive or try to outrun a tornado.
No medication will be administered without the Medication Authorization Form signed by the healthcare provider and received by the camp at least two weeks PRIOR to your camper’s first day. This form must be completed fully for staff to administer the required medication or for the camper to self-administer medication.
A new medication administration form must be completed at the beginning of each camp season, and each time there is a change in dosage or time of administration of a medication. Medication must be in original containers. Prescription medication must be in a container labeled by the pharmacist or prescriber.
Nonprescription medication must be in the original container with the instructions for use. Nonprescription medication includes vitamins, homeopathic, and herbal medicines. This includes campers with insulin pumps, asthma inhalers, and Epi pens.
An adult must bring the medication to the camp and give the medication to an adult staff member. Self-carry is only permitted for emergency medications such as inhalers and epinephrine. Both the prescriber and the parent/guardian must consent to self-administration, and the camper must be over the age of 11.
Summer!Kids@Carroll + Teen College reserve the right to revoke self-carry or self-administration of any medication at any time. Find the Medication Authorization Form (under Forms).
Nut Allergies
We do not knowingly include nuts or nut products in any part of the program. However, the College cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. If your camper has any allergy that requires reasonable accommodation, please see our Special Camper Needs section.
Special Camper Needs
All students, regardless of disability/challenge (e.g. physical, learning, psychological, emotional, behavioral, etc. or medical condition), must abide by the rules and regulations of Carroll Community College code of conduct (see terms and conditions), including exhibiting classroom behavior that allows for a student environment free from harassment, discrimination, and disruption. We understand that some students require additional assistance to meet that standard, and we will determine if reasonable accommodations can be provided that will allow the successful delivery of instruction to all students in the class. To help us meet this goal, after you have registered, please contact our Disability Support Services at at least two weeks before the start of the earliest camp to inform the College of any physical disabilities or behavioral/social challenges your child has and to discuss possible accommodations. A staff member will contact you to discuss your child’s individual needs and determine what reasonable accommodations can be made. Carroll Community College does not provide medical assistants or personal care attendants. Campers are expected to exhibit independence and ability for self-care. Parents are not permitted to attend camp with their child. Behavior contrary to the college code of conduct cannot be tolerated and may result in dismissal.
We reserve the right to make changes to our guidelines and programs described at any time based on the most current CDC, State and local recommendations without notice or liability. Please check periodically for changes.
Drop-Off Procedures
We cannot supervise your child before 8:15 a.m. We cannot supervise afternoon participants before 12:45 p.m. Children attending full-day or both morning and afternoon camps in the same week will be automatically supervised for lunch.
- Park near the yellow Kids@Carroll banner near the K building (see Campus Map) and look for camp staff wearing staff t-shirts. They will provide direction and be happy to answer your questions.
- Accompany your camper down the service road to the gym. Find the sign for your camp on the gym wall or ask any staff member for assistance.
- Find your camper’s instructor next to their camp sign. Check in with the instructor. Your camper will join the camp group until camp begins. Campers will be escorted to their classrooms as a group.
- Tuesday – Friday you may drop camper(s) off at the designated Kids@Carroll Drop- Off yellow banner near the K building. Camp staff will be there to greet you. Camp staff will be stationed along the route to supervise your camper walking into the gym.
If you arrive late and no greeters are present, please walk your camper to the Workforce, Business & Community Education office, Room A115 (see Campus Map), to be checked in. Do NOT go to the classroom.
The College cannot be responsible for campers dropped off without a staff member present.
Handicap Parking
Ample handicapped parking is available close to the gym. If this is needed, please let one of the program staff know and they will move the cones blocking the road so that you can park close to the building.
Pick-Up Procedures
Note: See Camp/Location-Specific Information for special procedures for cooking camps held off-site.
Be sure to review your pick-up plan with your camper and arrange to pick them up promptly at the end of the camp. If you are delayed, call us at 410-386-8100 and we will let you know where to pick up your camper.
For children aged 5 – 12
- Children must be signed out from your camper’s instructor by an authorized adult.
- The College will only release your camper to those listed as “authorized” on the Health and Emergency Contact Form.
- Your name will be checked against the child’s authorized adult list. ID maybe requested if necessary.
For teens age 13 and over
- With a signed Self-Sign Out Authorization Form (under Forms) on file, teen campers may sign themselves out.
- Pick up teen campers at the yellow Kids@Carroll banner. During inclement weather they may wait in the lobby of the K building.
- Without a signed Self-Sign Out Authorization Form on file, teens must be signed out by an authorized adult (see procedure for children age 5 – 12).
Teens with a Self-Sign Out Authorization may sign out younger siblings IF the teen is listed on as an authorized individual on the younger child’s Health and Emergency form.
It is important that your child is picked up promptly. We cannot supervise campers after 4:45 p.m. We cannot supervise morning students after 12:15 p.m. unless they are registered for an afternoon camp. Campers attending full-day programs or a morning and afternoon in the same week will be automatically supervised for lunch.
Early Pick-Up
For Kids@Carroll and Teen College:
Complete an Early Pick-Up Form from camp instructor or administration staff and provide it to program staff or instructor.
Pick up your camper at the designated time from the Workforce, Business & Community Education office, Room A115 (see Campus Map). Do NOT go to the classroom. Instructors are NOT permitted to release or accept campers at the classrooms.
Camp/Location-Specific Information
Cooking camps are held off campus and are full day from 9 a.m.– 3 p.m. Note that camps begin later, and end earlier than camps held on campus. Campers will have a 45-minute lunch break and must bring their own non-refrigerated lunch. Look for an email with directions and instructions by June 20. No transportation will be available.
Lunch supervision is provided free of charge to campers registered for a morning AND an afternoon camp in the same week or a full-day camp who bring a non-refrigerated lunch from home. We operate daily from noon – 1 p.m. for enjoying lunch, visiting with friends, and playing games. Please note, Carroll Community College does not guarantee an allergy-free environment.
Children attending only one half-day camp are not eligible for lunch supervision services.
Only Teen campers age 12 and up my use vending machines during camp.
NEW! Grub Club
Skip the hassle of packing a lunch! Let the College Café provide delicious lunches for your camper all week long. All meals include a main feature with two sides, all kid approved! Advanced registration is required and space is limited. You must order lunch for the whole week. There are no refunds if lunch is ordered and a child misses camp that day for any reason. Available for purchase on a weekly basis only. No single-day lunches are available. See the full summer menu and details at (Grub Club).
Campers must register for each week of Grub Club separately and in advance. There will be no snack provided throughout the day or after camp. Snacks must be provided from home. Full-day campers should bring an a.m. & p.m. snack.
Campers at cooking camps are not eligible for Grub Club.
We ask all campers to remember that college is in session and administrative offices are open for business. Campers are expected to respect the rules, demonstrate appropriate behavior, language, and…
- Behave in a friendly, cooperative, and reasonable manner toward other campers, instructors, and staff
- Respect the ideas and property of others
- Be able to work independently
- Be able to focus on a task to completion
- Follow camp rules and guidelines
Disruptive and inappropriate behavior may result in dismissal.
Cell Phones and Electronic Games
We hope the campers in our programs are too engaged to think about cell phones and electronic games. Help us maintain a fun learning environment by reminding campers of the following:
Cell phones must remain off during camp sessions. If you need to reach your camper while camp is in session, please call our office (410-386-8100) and a message will immediately be delivered to your camper.
Cell phones, electronic devices, and small games may be used during recess, but not during camp sessions unless specifically asked for by the instructor.
Field Trips
Some camps include special trips as an enhancement to the children’s learning. You will receive a permission form that must be returned before the trip. We must have the signed permission form before a camper is allowed to participate in the field trip. Campers are supervised at all times during field trips.
Camp Cancellations, Withdrawals, and Refunds
If your child cannot attend a program and the College is notified at least 10 business days before it begins, we will issue a full refund. For notification with fewer than 10 business days, we will be happy to provide a refund less the camp fees which cover the cost of pre-purchased materials and non-refundable commitments to Partners.
No refunds are given once a camp begins.
The College expects all programs to be presented as scheduled. In the event a program is cancelled, every effort will be made to either place your child in another program of their interest or provide a refund. However, a program could be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment. A decision about cancellation is made 2 weeks before the start date of the camp. You will be contacted by email of cancellations.
- Email:
- Web:
- Phone: 410-386-8100 (Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)
- Fax: 410-386-8111
- Facebook:
Campus Map

Volunteer to Earn Service Hours
NEW volunteers
- Volunteers must be age 14 or older.
- Submit a completed Volunteer Application by Friday, April 4.
- Successfully complete the Leaders in Training course. (See p. 18 in the Camp Brochure)
RETURNING volunteers
- Complete and submit the Returning Volunteer Application by Friday, April 4. The application is available by emailing
- Optional: attend Leaders in Training course. (See p. 18 in the Camp Brochure)
Background checks will be required for all volunteers. If you have questions, please contact Cassandra Casey at
Why Choose Summer Kids@Carroll/Teen College?
- Expert Educators, Not Teen Staff: Our camps are led by passionate and experienced instructors, many of whom teach grades K-12. Some of our teen sessions are even taught by college professors, ensuring a level of quality and expertise that sets us apart from camps relying on inexperienced teenaged counselors.
- Engaging Educational Experiences: We offer dynamic, in-person sessions designed to provide educational enrichment in a fun and stimulating environment.
- A Tradition of Excellence: With more than 20 years of delivering high-quality, safe, and diverse programming, we are proud to be a trusted choice for summer learning and recreation.
- Convenient On-Campus Amenities: Our Café on campus ensures campers can enjoy lunch in a supervised setting, adding to their overall camp experience.
- Commitment to Safety and Compliance: Summer Kids@Carroll/Teen College meets all Maryland Department of Health day camp licensure requirements. Detailed information on camp procedures and safety measures, as well as all required forms, can be found on this page to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone.*

Partnerships Enhance Kids@Carroll 2023 Summer Camps
Read More about Partnerships Enhance Kids@Carroll 2023 Summer Camps*When you choose a Maryland Department of Health-certified youth camp program, you are selecting a program that is inspected to meet state health and safety requirements. Find camps certified by the Maryland Department of Health.