Jasmin Sarabia: Carroll Serves Student Recipe for Success

Jasmin Sarabia was able to use the education and experience she received at Carroll Community College to open her Mexican restaurant La Jarochita in Manchester, MD. Earning her A.A. degree in Business Administration in May 2019, she helped establish the new family business, which has already proven to be successful. She credits much of this success to the wide variety of opportunities offered at Carroll.
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During her time there, Jasmin participated in numerous student clubs and activities. She was in the Student Government Organization (SGO), her first year serving as Senator and her second as President. “I loved Student Government. Being able to be such an active part on campus, representing the students and encouraging them to grow. It was an amazing experience.”
Jasmin also acted as Vice President of Service in Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society. She conducted a fundraiser with them for the Boys & Girls Club, raising an impressive $3,000. “I didn’t expect to raise that much money! That was one of my greatest achievements.”
In addition to SGO and PTK, Jasmin also participated in several events for clubs she was not officially a member of, like the Service-Learning Club, Early Childhood Education Club and Dance Club. “I accomplished a lot that I really didn’t think I was going to accomplish,” Jasmin said, “because when I started there, I wasn’t sure if I was really going to be involved or not, and then I decided I was and I was diving into everything!”
Carroll helped me strengthen many of the skills I’m using right now as a business owner.
All of these experiences enabled Jasmin to build the skills and confidence she needed to launch her restaurant with her parents. “A lot of my roles at Carroll helped me strengthen many of the skills that I’m using right now as a business owner. Being at Board of Trustee meetings as Student Government President really helped me with my communication skills, and then as Student Ambassador which strengthened my customer service skills.” Her business classes also came in handy, such as when she registered her business all by herself.
“It doesn’t matter what your major is,” said Jasmin, who has recently transferred to Stevenson University. “As long as you’re willing to get involved and you go out and look for opportunities at Carroll, there’s like a million… There are so many wonderful people there who are willing to help you grow as a person and as a student!”