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Garrett Snell: SGO President Credits Carroll Faculty for His Success

Garrett Snell Portrait

Nineteen-year-old Garrett Snell is a Business Administration major at Carroll Community College. He anticipates graduating in Spring 2017. And he says he will miss the college which has offered him so much opportunity for success.

Snell is the President of the college’s Student Government Organization. He appreciates the chance to become involved in extracurricular activities and lead the student-run government organization, and praises the dedicated faculty who provide one-on-one support to students.

“I can receive any help I need immediately from my instructors,” said Snell. “I like the small college feel here at Carroll. Instructors really care and are passionate about their work. They are open to hearing my thoughts about the subject at hand. That makes me improve immensely as a student.”

Instructors really care and are passionate about their work.

Snell also credits meeting other students through innovative and engaging activities as part of the reason for his successful college experience.

Why did he choose Carroll? “I chose Carroll partly because of the excellent experience my older brother had here about two years ago, which worked out well for him,” Snell said. “And everything is certainly working out well for me at Carroll.”