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Campus Alert

Strategic Plan Graphic Carroll Community College

Shaping Our Future Together!

At Carroll Community College, we believe in the transformative power of education to effect
positive change. We are dedicated to fostering a supportive and inclusive atmosphere where
every member of our community can flourish. United by the common purpose of enhancing the
lives of our students and the wider community, we are excited about the possibilities that lie

Join us as we embark on this inspiring journey to craft a brighter future together. Your voice is
crucial in this collective endeavor.

Every Contribution Counts! With each individual’s input, we are one step closer to turning
collective dreams into impactful realities.

Our Strategic Plan Creation Process

Carroll Community College is launching a strategic planning initiative to chart our course for the
next four years. Spearheaded by Dr. Rose Mince, Dr. Michelle Kloss, Gregg Bricca, Rob Brown,
Jean Marriott and the Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC), this pivotal process
involves a diverse group of stakeholders from both within our institution and the broader

Through a series of purposeful activities—including surveys, open forums and focus groups—
we aim to gather essential insights from all sectors, ensuring our strategic plan is both
comprehensive and representative of our collective vision.

Timeline of Activities


  • Value Creation Workshop Kick-Off | August 23
    This workshop is dedicated to defining the College’s value proposition and exploring ways the College can provide value to the community as we look toward the future.
  • Discovery Day | August 29
    A college-wide day of workshops and presentations to set the stage for the strategic planning process. Workshops will focus on analyzing census data and future county and industry outlooks, which will inform the strategic direction.
  • Strategic Plan Survey  | August 29
    The survey will be distributed countywide to collect input which will help inform the development of the Strategic Plan. This survey is open to everyone and will be available for two weeks, until September 13.

    Don’t miss your chance to influence our community’s future. Be a part of the vision at Carroll Community College!


  • Continued engagement through additional Value Creation Workshops and the inaugural SPSC meeting to refine our strategic insights.
  • Board Focus Groups and SPSC subcommittee meetings commence, deepening the collaborative effort.


  • Open Forums | October 10 and 17
    Join us in broad-based discussions to further refine our strategic initiatives.
  • Department Focus Groups
    Ensuring every academic and operational area has the opportunity to be heard, integrating specialized insights into the plan

Get Involved

Join the planning process by sharing your insights with us and/or stay informed with updates on our progress & key milestones.