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Campus Alert

Institutional Effectiveness

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness (IE) contextualizes data and informs the decision-making of College stakeholders. To achieve our mission, IE strives to meet the following goals:

  • Uphold and ensure accountability to the college’s constituents
  • Maintain and monitor institutional effectiveness indicators
  • Support learning outcomes assessment
  • Serve as a clearinghouse for campus statistics
  • Design and conduct research studies in support of policy decisions
  • Administer surveys to appropriate populations
  • Conduct market needs assessment for program development
  • Fulfill state and federal reporting requirements

Credit Enrollment Analyses

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness produces a Credit Enrollment Analysis twice a year for the Fall and Spring Terms. These reports contain information about the enrollment populations, programs, courses, and retention. The reports present five year trend data in a variety of informative graphs and charts.

Facts at a Glance

Carroll had developed tools to provide quick access to basic statistical information about the College. General enrollment and financial information is provided. Additionally, a By the Numbers infographic highlights student successes and program information.

View Facts at a Glance

View By the Numbers

Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Measures

One way the College assesses its overall institutional effectiveness is by monitoring the achievement of the mission goals in its Mission Statement. For each of the mission goals, the College has identified quantitative measures to assess their accomplishment. Institutional Effectiveness Assessment Measures were initially developed by the Planning Advisory Council and approved by the President and Board of Trustees since 1999 and reviewed annually. The information is made available as a report and as a dashboard.

View IE Measures Dashboard

View IE Measures Report


Compass 2025

In the spring of 2019, the College adopted Compass 2025, its multi-year strategic plan with the college-wide goals to guide its operational planning and activities through the end of fiscal year 2025.  Compass 2025 is implemented through annual strategic initiatives announced by the president of the college each June. Each strategic initiative falls under one of the Compass priorities, and area and office annual plans contain tasks directly linked to the strategic initiatives. Status reports on the accomplishment of each initiative are presented to the college’s Planning Advisory Council (PAC) at the end of each academic year. In this way progress on furthering the priorities in Compass is assessed.

View Compass 2025

Strategic Plan 2025-2029

The College is developing a new four-year Strategic Plan. Information about the process and the plan can be found here.


Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC)

MHEC is the State of Maryland’s higher education coordinating board responsible for establishing statewide policies for Maryland public and private colleges and universities.  MHEC produces a number of publications and reports throughout the year. These publications include such information as enrollment trends, student achievement reports and important outreach materials geared to students and parents, and many other higher education studies.

View MHEC Publications

View MHEC Dashboards

Performance Accountability Reports (PAR)

The annual Performance Accountability Report (PAR) provides an opportunity for the State, MHEC, colleges and universities, and individual governing boards to review and evaluate institutions’ efforts to advance the goals of the state and fulfill their missions.

View the Maryland PAR report

View the Carroll PAR report

Maryland Association of Community Colleges (MACC)

The MACC is comprised of Maryland’s 16 community colleges who work together with businesses, communities, government, and other organizations to improve student success, provide job training, and promote economic development across the state.  They provide various data and information, including an annual report that features on enrollment, student outcomes, revenues and expenditures, personnel, and physical facilities.

View MACC Databook

Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center (MLDSC)

The MLDSC created a statewide data system that contains student data from all levels of education and workforce data in order to provide analyses, produce relevant information, and inform choices to improve student and workforce outcomes and success.  The webpage features dashboards reports, and summaries on a variety of education topics.

View MLDSC Dashboards

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

IPEDS, established as the core postsecondary education data collection program for NCES, is a comprehensive system of surveys designed to collect data from all primary providers of postsecondary education. The IPEDS system is built around a series of interrelated surveys to collect institution-level data in such areas as enrollments, program completions, faculty, staff, finances, and graduation rates.

IPEDS data is the core information that feeds many national educational comparison websites like College Navigator and College Scorecard.

View IPEDS Data

View IPEDS Data Feedback Report

View IPEDS Survey Component Information

National Student Clearinghouse (NSC)

Nearly 3,600 postsecondary institutions (97% of higher education enrollment) provide up-to-date student-level data on enrollment and graduation to the Clearinghouse. This data allows the Clearinghouse to provide enrollment and degree verifications for students, as well as create research publications that support education, workforce, and learner success.

View NSC Research Center

College Navigator

College Navigator is a free consumer information tool designed to help students, parents, high school counselors, and others get information about over 7,000 postsecondary institutions in the United States – such as programs offered, retention and graduation rates, prices, aid available, degrees awarded, campus safety, and accreditation.

View College Navigator

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Survey of Community College Outcomes

Believing that community colleges play a major role in workforce and economic development, the Richmond Fed developed a survey to track and compare outcomes data that is not traditionally captured in other federal reports. The Richmond Fed is the home of the Federal Reserve’s Fifth District, serving North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington, D.C..

View Survey of Community College Outcomes

Employee Satisfaction

As part of efforts towards continuous improvement, Carroll Community College surveys employees every other year to gather feedback on various topics such as College climate, job satisfaction, and campus services. Results provide insights about institutional areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.

Employee Satisfaction Survey Report

Student Satisfaction

Every other spring, Carroll invites students taking credit courses to complete a satisfaction survey that includes questions on a variety of subjects including student resources; campus services and safety; and diversity, inclusion, and belonging.  Results support a nuanced understanding of the student experience at Carroll and inform the development of data-driven student programming and initiatives.

Student Satisfaction Survey Report

Graduation Survey

So that the College may understand the full continuum of the student experience, those nearing graduation are invited to participate in an online survey when they apply for graduation.  Respondents are asked if they achieved their educational goals at Carroll and to indicate their future plans.  Data gathered since spring 2020 is accessible in a data visualization.

Graduation Survey Results

Contact Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Gregg Bricca, Director of Institutional Effectiveness |