Shannon Young
Course: Acting for Non-Majors, THTR-110
Professor: Jane Fraizer
Assignment Title: Monologue Character Analysis & Performance
Assignment Details
Before Performing, I must analyze the role/character, as well as envision myself as Babe Botrelle.
My Task and Process
- Choose a stage production from approved list
- Do in-person research in the Carroll Library
- Have stage performance/ monologue approved by professor
- Thoroughly read monologue, actively memorizing piece by piece
- Begin the character analysis of that who performs the monologue, analyzing subtext to gather deeper understanding of the role.
- Trial run monologue in front of class with script
- Begin performing to others to enhance memorization and gain feedback from performance
- Evaluate feedback and incorporate different choices
- Do it again, and again, and again, evaluating self through video recordings
- Perform it for REAL!
Character Analysis (Examples)
- My Obstacle: (of this moment, not the whole play) (3 pts)
Babe’s obstacle in this moment is her own self- doubt among her vulnerability. She takes many apprehensive pauses while telling her story as if unready to explain why she committed such as act. This is why she was only able to tell Meg at first and not her own lawyer.
- How do I change at the end of monologue? (2 pts)
Babe finally admits to herself that she does not have to keep bearing abuse of her abusive husband. She re-realizes that she can take her fate into her own hands while recounting the shooting.
- I describe others as: (List specific quotes from the text; you can pull these from anywhere throughout the full play!) (12 pts)
a.Babe describes her husband Zackery as intolerable and annoying. While she has put up with his abuse for many years, she admits to even loathing the sound of his voice. BABE: “…the sound of his voice got to where it tired me out awful bad to hear it. I’d fall asleep just listening to him at the dinner table” (Henley 29). Exhausted from his years of nagging her, Babe has been conditioned to shut down at even the sound of her husband’s voice. No matter what he said to her, she would always become agitated and fed up with his noise. This immediate shutdown is what would cause Zackery to hit Babe, continuing the cycle of her torment and ultimately leading her to snap (hence the shooting).
How does this assignment reflect on my current/future endeavors?
As an aspiring performer, learning to perform a monologue is essential when auditioning for future productions!
This process was essential for my final, in which I wrote and performed by own piece.
I learned that there is no “correct” way to perform a piece, as it varies from person to person. Three Universal aspects ring true for most during this exercise:
The comfort zone holds you back.
If I were afraid to make choices, how would I ever progress?
Confidence is key.
Practice is essential! It builds confidence, allows for constructive criticism, and mastery enhances your overall performance.
Roll with the punches.
Mistakes are bound to happen, no matter your preparedness. Not dwelling on stutters, wrong words, or other slipups enhances your performance.
Challenges and Successes
What challenge did I overcome that I am most proud of?
From childhood to late teen-hood, I was a competitive cheerleader. This sport demands perfection, which caused me to create a “zero mistakes tolerated” complex. I was able to let go of “perfection” and flow with the role, even while messing up!