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Enya Sliwinksi Student Excellence Showcase Carroll Community College

Course: Human Anatomy & Physiology 1, BIOL 210
Dr. Greg Leppert
Assignment Title:
Poor Exercise Techniques Creating Detectable Joint Abnormalities

Assignment Details

When exercising, it’s common for an individual to switch their focus from their form to the amount of weight they are lifting or completing a large number ofrepetitions within a given time. This mistake can create both short- and long-term pain that can worsen someone’s daily function and create an inverse effect to their original reason for exercising. This assignment explored common joint abnormalities that can form as a result of improper exercise techniques. The purpose of this project was to inform the audience about the importance of medical imaging and joint health during exercise.

The written paper followed a case study of an individual who is experiencing knee pain during an initial visit to a radiologist. They are unsure of its origin or extent and are seeking more insight into their problem. The radiologist takes an initial scan and tells the patient to continue exercising the same way and to return within 3 weeks to get another scan. This scan will determine which areas are being directly impacted and the significance of the changes. Following this, the patient performs their squats before a professional who will determine if they are using proper form. In doing this, a direct connection between poor exercise technique and deterioration of joint cartilage can be detected.

The knees are just one example of an area that can easily be hurt or dislocated. Other include the elbow (also a hinge joint) and the shoulder (ball and socket joint). The composition of these joints plays an impact on their ability to withstand different pressures and impacts. This topic was also explored.


This topic is widely applicable, whether it be to movement in our daily lives or experiencing problems that may require further imaging. When completing activities that require physical movement, such as lifting weights or even walking up stairs, it is important to take proper care of your joints. If unsure about the proper form for a workout, ask for help or watch informational videos to make sure that joints are aligned properly and that the proper muscles are engaged. This is key to preventing and even treating potential long-term pain and chronic illnesses such as Osteoarthritis.

Career fields that are relevant to the imaging aspects of this research are radiologists and MRI technicians. Physicians that an individual may visit are orthopedic surgeons/doctors. Additionally, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and personal trainers are critical for proper recovery. Recovery may also include switching to low impact movements such as swimming, cycling, and yoga.

This topic relates to my Exercise and Instruction class where we learn proper exercise form and how to convey this information to clients as a personal trainer.


Hinge joints (such as the elbow and knee) and ball and socket joints (such as the shoulder) get dislocated and hurt the easiest because they have the greatest range of motion. An overall theme is that there is a direct relationship between a joints range of motion and their susceptibility to injury. Besides dislocation, using heavy weights, completing rapid amounts of repetitions, or even improper body alignment can damage the cartilage of these joints. A synovial membrane located around the hinge and ball and socket joints acts as a lubricant as they move. With improper form, this fluid can dry up.

The most insightful imaging techniques (that can detect damage earlier on than xrays) are Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography Scans (CT Scans), and Ultrasounds. These can determine whether there is deterioration in cartilage, if the bones surrounding still have proper composition, and more.

If someone is experiencing joint pain during certain exercises, they should seek help with their form. If the problem persists, they should visit a physician who can give them more insight into the direct cause of the problem, a specific treatment plan, and recovery information.

Challenges and Successes

A challenge that I experienced was not having sufficient time to conduct a case study of my own for this project. This process would have taken around 6 months and was unrealistic given the timeline of the project. Despite this, I knew having some kind of example to read along with the supporting evidence in my paper would give readers a better idea of the applications of this research. The sample case study found in the contents of this poster and the written paper closely follows the standard procedures of case studies related to exercise and movement with conclusions based on research found in various references.