Transfer Students

If you are transferring to Carroll from another institution, follow the steps to get started, including sending an official transcript by mail or providing an unofficial transcript in person from your previous college(s).
Unless you qualify for exemption, placement tests in English and Math are required as part of the admissions process. Visit the Course Placement & Eligibility page for more information.
Official transcripts should be sent to the Records Office for an official evaluation for transfer. A transfer evaluation request form needs to be filled out for any transfer credit evaluations (located in Lynx Student Portal, under Carroll Forms). Have your transcript sent to or mailed to:
Carroll Community College, Records Office
1601 Washington Road, Ste. A112
Westminster, MD 21157
Information for Transferring Credits as a New Carroll Student
If you have completed any of the following Career Connections programs/Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) vocational programs, you may receive credit at Carroll.
- Accounting/Financial Services
- Administrative Assistant/Secretarial Science
- Early Childhood Education
- Teacher Academy of Maryland
- Computer Technology
- Drafting
- Print Production
Speak with the guidance counselors at your high school or Career & Tech Center to obtain proof of completion and an articulation form. High school grade and attendance restrictions apply. To take advantage of this opportunity, you must have completed your CCPS program within the last two years.
View the College catalog for specific course information.
Call the College Board at 609-771-7300 or 888-225-5427 or send an email to for information about forwarding your official Advanced Placement (AP) scores to Carroll. Our code is 5797.
For additional information and established course equivalencies, review the College policy, Credit for Prior Learning. If Carroll does not recognize AP/College Board subjects, the Records Office will facilitate faculty evaluation. Contact the Records Office at 410-386-8440 for assistance.
Carroll awards credits for CLEP exam performance. Review the College policy, Credit for Prior Learning, for testing course equivalents. Contact the College Board to have official CLEP scores forwarded to Carroll at 800-257-9558 or visit the College Board website to download a request form. Carroll Community College is a CLEP test site.
To earn credit via Carroll’s Credit by Exam program, meet with the appropriate faculty chair and refer to College catalog for established Credit by Exam courses. Speak with faculty chairs for questions about additional test equivalencies. Half of the course tuition, which is not refundable, is required prior to testing.
Credit awarded by exam is not usually accepted by other colleges in transfer. CLEP (see above) is a better option if you intend to transfer.
Forward official college/university transcripts to the Records Office (A112) for evaluation. Contact your former institution about their request procedure.
Transcripts must be opened by Carroll staff to be considered official. Only credits applicable to a Carroll program of study are posted on the Carroll transcript, and only after all official college transcripts are received. A transfer evaluation request form needs to be filled out for any transfer credits evaluations (located in Lynx Student Portal, under Carroll Forms).
If we have not previously accepted the course, you will need to provide your course syllabus for faculty chairs to determine an equivalent Carroll course.
Transferring Back to Carroll/Reverse Transfer
Students who transfer from Carroll prior to completing their Associate degree may transfer appropriate credits back to Carroll to complete their Carroll degree. Students in this situation must have taken at least 15 Carroll credits.
If interested in completing your Carroll Associate degree by reverse transfer, please send an official transcript to the Records Office.
Transferring From Carroll
Learn about transferring to another institution from Carroll
Are you planning to transfer to McDaniel College, UMBC, UMGC or University of Baltimore after you graduate? Then you should consider Transfer Plus, Carroll’s new Dual Admissions transfer partnerships with these 4-year schools.
Contact the Records Office
Carroll Community College, Records Office
1601 Washington Road, Ste. A112
Westminster, MD 21157