Earn College Credit for Your High School Work

Get a head start on college while saving time & money!
At Carroll, you can earn college credit for the work you’ve already completed in high school. Whether through transfer credits, Advanced Placement (AP) exams, or specific high school programs, we make it easy for you to build on your achievements.
Transfer Credit from Another College
If you’ve taken college courses at another institution (e.g., as a dually enrolled student), you can transfer those credits to Carroll. Here’s how:
- Submit official transcripts from all previous colleges.
- Complete a transfer evaluation form for each transcript.
- Courses with a grade of D or higher typically transfer; however, a minimum C grade is required for ENGL-101- College Writing.
- Transfer credits don’t impact your Carroll GPA, but they can replace failing (F) grades from previous attempts.
Earn Credit for Non-Traditional Learning
You may also earn college credit for learning outside the classroom! If you have skills and knowledge equivalent to a course offered at the College, you can:
- Take a credit by exam (fees apply).
- Earn up to 75% of your degree credits through prior learning assessments.
Contact the appropriate department chair for more details.
High School Programs That Earn Carroll Credit
If you completed certain programs through Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS), you may already qualify for college credit! These articulation agreements let you earn credits for specific courses based on your high school achievements.
Programs with Direct Credit Articulation
Submit your official CCPS transcript and signed Career Connections completion documents within two years of high school graduation to receive credit in the following areas:
- Administrative Assistant/Secretarial Science: Up to 19 credits in Office Technology (proficiency testing required)
- Early Childhood Education: ECE 101 & 104 (6 credits)
- Project Lead the Way Computer Science: CIS 105 & 132 (6 credits)
- Physical Rehabilitation: HES 100 (3 credits)
- Print Production: CGR 105 (3 credits)
- Teacher Academy of Maryland (TAM): EDUC 120 & 121 (4 credits)
Programs That Earn Transcripted Credit
These programs allow you to earn an official letter grade on your Carroll transcript after meeting program requirements and completing the final exam. You’ll pay the CCPS dual discount price for these credits.
- Accounting/Financial Services: ACCT 101 (3 credits)
- Criminal Justice/Homeland Security: CRIM 101 (3 credits)
- Digital Fabrication & Manufacturing: DFAB 101 (3 credits)
- Project Lead the Way Biomedical Sciences: BIOL 210 (4 credits)
- Project Lead the Way Engineering: ENGR 100 (3 credits)
Advanced Placement (AP) Credit
If you’ve taken AP courses in high school, you can earn college credit by submitting your official AP scores.
Required scores and course equivalents are available on our Credit for Prior Learning page.
It’s a Win/Win!
Earning college credit for your hard work in high school helps you graduate sooner and save money on tuition. Reach out to our Admissions team to learn more about how your credits can apply to your degree at Carroll!