The Board of Trustees of Carroll Community College reaffirms its commitment to the belief in the intrinsic value of the individual and his/her right to be judged upon the merits of abilities and actions alone; provision of maximum employment opportunity based on the system and the capacity of the potential employee to meet those needs and without regard to any other factors; and provision of maximum educational opportunity for all students with special attention to time schedules, locations, costs and financial support, counseling, student activities, remedial assistance, and other factors, assuring the accessibility of such opportunity to all. In the conduct of the official business and day-to-day operations of the Carroll Community College, the Board of Trustees will not tolerate discrimination against any member of the student body, faculty, or staff upon any unlawful basis or upon any other basis not related to that person’s eligibility or qualifications for participation in College programs, services, activities, and employment.
Please read the following statement and indicate by your signature below that you agree to the terms stated. Unsigned applications will not be processed.
I affirm that the information on this application form, and any additional material that I submit related to the admissions process, is complete, accurate, and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to submit any other materials that are required for the admissions process. I understand that furnishing false or incomplete information on any part of this application for admission or any related material may be cause for denial of admission. I agree that as a student, I will honor the academic ethics code of Carroll Community College.