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Campus Alert

Ways to Connect with Carroll Students

Online Job Board

Use our College Central Network to post open positions and internship opportunities for Carroll Community College students. Register and create a username and password. Once registration is complete, your information will be reviewed for approval within 48 business hours. 

Area of Study Programming

We love to connect with employers and invite them on campus to support students in their professional growth. Whether it is networking nights, lunch and learns, panels, or trips, we would love to find out how our students can engage with course material outside the classroom. Interested? Contact


Experiential learning is essential to the career growth of young professionals and the training of the future workforce. We are always seeking internship sites for student learning. Internships take place during academic semesters.

Are You Hiring?

Our Career Central Network can help you fill your job openings by connecting you with qualified students, alumni and community residents looking for employment opportunities!

Contact Us

Please contact us if you are interested in participating in our annual Job Fair, hosting an intern, or recruiting on campus.

410-386-8500 |

Employer Disclaimer: Carroll Community College makes no endorsements or guarantees about applicants on this site. This site acts only as a referral service. The College is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions or other aspects of off-campus employment. It is the employer’s responsibility to research the integrity of applicants